By Afsheen Irshaad
Life is an ever-changing phenomenon and at times these changes happen so rapidly that we lose pace following them, for example winding up our twenties and hitting on thirties is a change where we have to choose and decide very wisely between our most essential needs and the least ones. The choices we make and the decisions we make decide the course of our lives in the future. Here is a list of 10 things essential to do before 30, this will make it easier to choose from the list of countless options of essential things.
10 Essential Things To Do Before 30
1- Gateway to Success
Education is your gateway to success, it’s the only key that opens all the doors of opportunities coming your way, the first and foremost essential is to carry the right kind of qualification and education if you wish for a bright and secure future.
2- Set Your Goals
Goals are the guiding stars in our lives they provide us with the road maps to travel to reach our destination. The road leading to our targets might be torturous but these goals keep us focused and dedicated to achieving them.
3- Old enough to decide and Young enough to do it
Winding up the twenties and moving towards our thirties is a crucial period of our lives where we are old enough to decide and young enough to do it, so it’s better to leave the snug like a bug in the rug attitude and move out of our comfort zones provided by the shadow of an umbrella of our parents and make practical decisions for our career and our future.
4- Lifestyle Changes
The journey of crossing from one decade to another isn’t easy we have to change a lot. The need of the body will be changing so we should also concentrate to adapt to the needs of our body accordingly, the late-night parties and eating unhealthy and junk food should be avoided, a daily healthy routine should be followed that includes waking up early, eating healthy and preferable home-cooked food, trying going to bed early too. A very popular quote we all are familiar with is “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
5- Health is Wealth
Health is wealth we are all familiar with this phrase, we might have heard it millions of times but its real importance becomes evident in old age, this is the essential thing we should never compromise upon, eating healthy, trying to avoid unnecessary stress and following a fitness regime like Walking for half an hour, yoga or any kind of physical activity that one finds doing it easily and religiously must be included in our daily routine, healthy body is the best place to live in.
6- Get rid of Our Worst Fears
While climbing the ladder of age from twenties to thirties we carry along so many unnecessary fears. Some of us might fear what will happen in the future, some might fear old age and loneliness Garescophobia is the fear mostly seen in people at this age, we should all bear in mind that aging is inevitable and we can’t stop it only we can do one thing that is to age gracefully.
7- Try to get rid of Your Bad Habits
This is the best time to get rid of your bad habits, some of these bad habits ruin us physically like smoking, drinking, or drug-related addiction and some are dangerous to our soul, like holding grudges, lying, or being jealous. This is the best time to uproot these evils as with time they get deeply rooted and destroys us both physically and mentally.
8- Tie a knot and take care of Your Family Ties
Some might not agree but this is the best time to find your soulmate. In our journey of life, we all need someone to be with us, to share our happiness and sorrows, and to give solutions and suggestions when we face problems, family is the best bank to lean upon for the solution to our problems. Starting a family at an e early age is also beneficial as we get more time to spend with our kids and enjoy all the milestones of their lives. It is also important to mention here that we must strengthen our existing family ties with our parents and blood relatives. Paying them regular visits often will ensure a strong bonding plus it will send an early message in our kid’s minds to follow in our footsteps. Family is the best shadow to sit under when we need one from the troubles and hardships of this world.
9- Learn to Cook
Cooking is the most essential tool to carry in our journey in moving towards our 30s the benefit of knowing how to cook are unlimited, it has both social and economical benefits, we can socially become more prominent in our social circle if we cook nice and tasteful food, the economical benefits of cooking became more evident now with the ongoing covid 19 economical turmoil when many of us switched to cooking and took it up as a business be it full time or part-time. Also, it’s famous that the way to the heart goes through the stomach. so if one intends to win the heart one should learn to cook.
10- Save Some for a Rainy Day
Money is the basic necessity after our basic needs like food, air, water, and shelter. It is very important to save some for a rainy day because we are unaware of what the future holds for us. Saving and budgeting before our thirties also make us mentally relaxed and financially more stable. We, humans, are sailing in the tides of time with our essential belongings, it depends upon us to decide that our most essentials not be overtaken by our least ones. Our wise and timely decision not only defines us but also our future. Think wisely and act timely for a happy, healthy, and prosperous future.