By Almas Zahid

Failing is always shameful and heartbreaking. Nobody wants to be failed. But remember, failure is a choice! Then what causes a person to be failed? And what is it? Let’s talk about it.

A failure is basically a gap between our expectations and results. When our expectations don’t meet our (favorable) result, we name it “failure”. Things that are less than socially made boundaries are defeat (we think), these may be grades, promotion, income, successful marriages, spacious houses, etc. if we aren’t reaching that society-made goal we are not achievers.

According to Thomas Edison “I’ve not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. Definitely inadequacy of opportunities or sometimes luck gets us refusals and shows us another way to success which we call “failure”.

Actually, everywhere there are some technical errors which need to be fixed. Obviously, the acceptance of failure is not everybody’s cup of tea, many of us sabotage our lives. It needs the courage to absorb the damage. Suddenly we are exasperated by the results of our hard work. And then misled by reactions.

5 Best Ways to Cope With Fear of Failure 

Here we have compiled the 5 best ways to cope with the fear of failure and it also helps you to deal with your emotions at fragile moments.

1. Accept the failure

Although it’s the toughest thing to do. But train your mind for that. It is the foundation of the success we strive for. Rudyard Kipling is saying this in his famous poem “IF”.

“If you meet the triumph and disaster. And treat these two imposters just the same”.
This means victory and failure are to have behaved the same because they are short-lived. Once you accept them, they went off.

2. Don’t Play The Blame Game

Yeah! We usually make others responsible for our unsuccessful events. We need to observe rudimentary causes rather than blaming others.

3. Don’t Be Self-pity

If we don’t conquer our desired grades in exams, if we face a divorce, if we have a big loss in business, if we lose a job, immediately we become self-pity. That we are the only ones who are suffering from such disasters. At that time, we have to be the strength of ourselves. We know ourselves better; we can handle ourselves better. So, Stand like a rock.

4. Give Another Chance

Another chance is very important. Majority of us trying to avoid inadequacy. At that unfavorable time span, we have two choices, either to make false beliefs about success true or make failure a foundation of success. If you don’t open the door for success how does it come to you?

5. Failure is a Fuel

After the devastating, what is left for you? Here you need to be optimistic. Take failure as fuel and kick your dreams on the road to success. Remember “It’s only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything.” Tyler Durden

I personally believe that failure is the key to success until you don’t lose hope. It’s not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you get hit and move on.

Embrace yourself as an unsuccessful person and keep striving. It’s your success!

“Try and keep on trying until that which seems DIFFICULT becomes possible and that which seems only POSSIBLE becomes HABIT.” – Dieter F. Ucthdorf

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