By Javeria Faizan 

An iron deficiency is a cause of concern- I remember my doctor being concerned about my low blood iron levels during pregnancy. Turned out that it is a recurring problem whether I am pregnant or not. Iron deficiency is a problem that affects the majority of women without them even knowing about it. Medically termed anemia, it is a common nutritional condition that particularly affects women and children.

Iron is very important for our bodies to function properly. It forms hemoglobin, the protein which conveys oxygen in the blood. When the blood is iron deficient, it cannot provide the required amount of oxygen to the body. This causes tissues and muscles to become tired and lose their ability to work effectively. Regulating blood iron levels is also necessary during the phases of major growth and development. Pregnant women have to provide nutrients and blood to their fetuses. They need sufficient iron in their blood to carry out a risk-free pregnancy and bear healthy offspring. Children in their growing years need an adequate amount of iron for their healthy development.

Anemia occurs due to a number of reasons, poor eating habits being a major one. Consuming food with an inadequate amount of iron, heavy bleeding during periods of childbirth, and internal bleeding in the form of ulcers or endometriosis are a few reasons for iron deficiency. Certain surgical processes or diseases can also decrease the amount of iron absorbed in our bodies.

Iron deficiency anemia begins with symptoms that are quite mild in intensity. They can be barely noticeable. Some people don’t even experience any. They only realize that they are anemic when their blood is tested for it. Here are a few common symptoms of iron deficiency that everyone needs to know.

Iron Deficiency -A Cause Of Concern; Symptoms

1- Tiredness

As discussed earlier, our bodies need oxygen to function properly. Low iron means low levels of oxygen. When tissues and muscles don’t get oxygen, they are deprived of energy. Tiredness is usually associated with the everyday busy life we are living that’s why it is usually ignored. However, if you suffer tiredness along with weakness, inability to concentrate, and less productivity, you should get yourself examined.


The hemoglobin gives blood its redness. The lower its level is the less red the blood appears. This causes the skin to lose its rosiness and seem whiter. The paleness can appear all over the body or is restricted to the face, lower eyelids, nails, or gums.

3- Breathlessness

A low hemoglobin count means a lower level of oxygen. To get more oxygen, we start breathing faster which leads to shortness of breath. Iron deficiency makes us breathless even when we are doing the simplest of tasks like walking or climbing stairs.

4- Headaches

Headaches are a less common symptom of iron deficiency. They may sometimes be accompanied by dizziness. Every organ of our body requires adequate oxygen to work. Headaches happen when our brain does not get enough oxygen. It can cause swelling of blood vessels causing pressure and light-headedness.

5- Sore Tongue

Our tongue muscles are supported by the protein myoglobin which is provided by red blood cells. When it does not get enough myoglobin, our tongue becomes sore, swells, or becomes weirdly smooth. Low hemoglobin causes it to become pale too.

6- Restlessness In Legs

Restless leg syndrome is the urge to keep your legs moving. Iron deficiency can cause weird itchy and prickly sensations in the legs and feet which makes it impossible to keep them still. The nighttime is worse because getting a sound sleep with twitchy legs is difficult.

7- Anxiety

People with iron deficiency anemia tend to become anxious. The lower amount of oxygen supplied to tissues and muscle gives rise to anxious sensations. However, this symptom improves as the blood oxygen level rises.

8- Coldness

When the oxygen level of our body drops, the body temperature tends to drop too. This causes a general feeling of being cold or may only be directed to colder hands and feet.

9- Recurring Infections

Iron is the major constituent of our immune system. If we suffer from iron deficiency, it directly affects our immune system making it less efficient. Lower immunity causes us to catch more infections and illnesses.

10- Dull Skin And Hair:

When the body is oxygen-deficient, it has to prioritize more important organs like the brain and heart. This leaves lesser organs like skin, hair, and nails to be deprived of oxygen making them dry, brittle, and weak.

Mild cases of anemia are cured easily and don’t cause any major health complications. But if ignored and not given proper medical attention, it can become a cause of severe health conditions. Low hemoglobin causes the heart to pump more blood to provide an adequate amount of oxygen for the body. This can cause an irregular heartbeat (palpitations), an enlarged heart, or in worse cases, heart failure. During pregnancy, it can lead to premature birthing or low birth weight. It decreases immunity in children who become prone to infections. It is also responsible for delaying growth and development in children.

If symptoms of iron deficiency become apparent, it is advised to seek medical help. A simple blood test can confirm or clear your doubts. If confirmed, it is usually treated by increasing your daily iron intake. This can be accompanied by oral iron supplements or intravenous infusions depending upon the severity. This nutritional deficiency is common, but thankfully one that is rectified easily.

However, Iron deficiency is a cause of concern that requires more consideration for improving your overall health.

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