By Binteikhlaq 


Today, I’m going to share the top 10 lessons I have learned in 2019. We have entered 2020. A new year with new expectations, new hopes, and new resolutions to live an entirely new life. I have left 2019 but could not forget what I have learned in that year. I remember a blog post that was written on 31/12/2018 named “MY PLANS FOR 2019”. In that post, I mentioned that I have no plans for 2019 because I entirely and firmly believe in the plans of the Best planners of all i-e Allah and He will pave the new and better ways for me.

But the morning of 1st January had something new and extremely shocking for me. Of course, the Planner had His own plans for that year. The resolution of not planning anything had taken a back seat and I had started to plan something new and exciting. The whole last year was spent praying to achieve that dream.

I have learned a lot during that whole experience and I will share my top 10 lessons I have learned in 2019.

My Top 10 Lessons I Have Learned In 2019

1- I have learned to go with the flow and to follow the plans of Allah instead of planning something of my own.

2- I have learned how to be patient and wait for the proper time for each and everything.

3- I have learned that achieving the life of our dreams is not easy but it is not impossible either. So one should try his best and leave the rest to Allah’s will.

4- Success is a gradual process. No one can be successful overnight so wait for the proper time and always strike the iron when it is hot.

5- I have also learned how prayers can change your destiny, and thinking and turn unfavorable scenarios in your favor.

6- I have learned to have firm faith in Almighty Allah that He will not leave you alone in any situation and if you have made Him your attorney then it will a win-win situation for you.

7- In addition to all the above points, I have learned to ignore my haters and focus on my goals.

8- I have also learned to prioritize myself and my children. I know other family members are important as well but my children are my duty which is bestowed to me by Allah and I am only answerable for their upbringing so I should focus on them.

9- Ignoring the negative vibes and absorbing the positivity is another important lesson I have learned.

10- Last but not least, I have learned that not every close person is your well-wisher. Everyone has their hidden purposes so one should be vigilant and don’t let others control your life.

These are my lessons of 2019 and I must say that I am taking so much from that year. I would keep this treasure with me for my whole life and try to live a better and happy life. I hope that like 2019, 2020 will teach me many more valuable lessons.

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