By Zahid Tariq
Every organism consumes food for energy but when it exceeds the limit required, it becomes overeating which causes weight gain and obesity. It’s an eating disorder also called Binge Eating Disorder. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to send a signal to the stomach that you are full and you should stop now. In this blog, we are going to talk about overeating, its effects, and treatment.
Harmful Effects of Overeating
Overeating causes the stomach to expand beyond its normal size. The expanded stomach pushes other organs that create discomfort, tiredness, and drowsiness. More food needs more hard work from organs to digest it. Overeating increases the chances of unhealthy eating which leads to increased disease risk.
Overeating Treatment
So, the question is how to stop overeating. There are some useful tips and tricks to avoid overeating.
- Watch portion size.
- Avoid processed food
- Use small plates
- Eat slowly and put your fork down between bites
- Drink water before a meal that will make you feel full.
- Use more fruits and vegetables to fill your plate
- Avoid watching TV and other electronic devices while eating. Focus on the meal itself.
- Train your mind to do mindful eating
- Plan your meals beforehand
Hunger Suppressant Foods
There are many foods that suppress hunger that you can use to curb your craving
- Apples-an apple a day keeps the doctor away and hunger at bay
- Ginger-it controls appetite and cravings
- Oat bran-it has remarkable health benefits
- Yogurt-it provides digestible proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients
- Eggs keep us full for a long period of time
- Spice-hot peppers have a delicious flavor and many health benefits. Red pepper, bell pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and other countless spices with countless benefits
- Legumes, pulses, beans, lentils, and peas – an excellent source of protein, complex carbs, and fiber
- Avocado- full of monosaturated fatty acids and fiber that take a long time to digest so keep us full for longer
- Dark chocolate – slows down the digestion process and triggers ‘’feel-good’’ hormones
- Some more examples are salmon, chewing gum, flax seeds, green tea, tofu, almonds, mint, chia seeds, and water
In conclusion, we are what we eat. Thus, we should always aim to eat healthily and smartly.