By Fatima Habiba 

‘The concept of peace and its connotations’ is something that I always wondered about and there are many related questions that plague my mind even today. What is peace? Why is it so important in our lives? What is the general perspective on this subject? Why is peace so hard to achieve? Why are we divided on an outcome that is advantageous for all? Is it possible for the human race to ever be at peace amongst and with themselves and the environment? I am sure at some point in your life you must have pondered over it too.

The Concept of Peace & Its Connotations

Peace is that anticipated feeling, that precious commodity, and that picturesque lifestyle that we all crave. Peace is not only a process but also a mindset, a disposition, and a culture. Peace has many components – Peace with the people around us, peace with the environment, and peace with oneself. Peace is indispensable for our very existence and crucial for us to thrive at all levels, be it personal or social; local or global; physical or metaphysical.

Peace ‘then’ and ‘now’

We have all heard our parents and grandparents talk of the ‘good old days’ when life was so peaceful. People would make compromises, accept diversified views and go out of their way to maintain peace in the family, the neighborhood, and the society. Today, the majority of us are inclined to think of peace as an international problem, far removed from our daily lives, something to watch on news channels and discuss at cocktail parties.

In contemporary times, the 21st century, the new era, though we have everything at our fingertips, peace looks to have transformed into that elusive star you can see on the horizon yet can never grasp. The modern world offers an answer to every query. It has empowered man ‘n number of times more than ever before. The world is now smaller and interconnected; medically more advanced and technically more innovative but at the same time, it is highly fragmented, less peaceful, and unsafe for both present and future generations. They say, ‘With great power comes great responsibility,’ and we seem to be so entangled in our web of wants that we have forgotten our duties. Man has become morally corrupt, emotionally stunted, and spiritually challenged. With prejudice, greed, and malice on the rise, it scares me where this world is heading.

An Appeal for Peace

We need to understand that without peace we cannot survive. Oppression of one is an oppression of the whole of humanity. Injustice to one is an injustice to all. The death of an innocent is the death of humanity itself. Hasn’t humanity suffered enough? Haven’t we learned from our past mistakes? Life is too short to be wasted over petty issues. We have bigger hurdles to cross and greater heights to scale. And we are all in this together. So, let our ideas and values unite us. Let not our problems divide us, instead let our solutions unite us.

We need to educate the young generation to live tolerantly with compassion and peace consciousness. Social relations must be rebuilt beyond the imaginary and invented barriers. A culture of harmony will be achieved when citizens of the world have the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully, strive for justice, appreciate differences and respect each other. Let us work together and open our minds and horizons and build cooperative relations to enrich mankind so that every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace, and dignity.

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