By Shabina Ahmed
Thyroid has become a very common disease nowadays and people suffer a lot because of it. People search for a solution to treat it. It can affect anyone man, woman, or child at any age. In this blog, we will learn about what actually it is, its types, and its treatments.
What Is Thyroid?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, it is just in front of the voice box present just above the collar bone. It plays the main role in our body. It makes the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 which acts as chemical messengers traveling to the bloodstream to all the cells and tissues in the body. These hormones control the speed of virtual body works which is also called your body’s METABOLISM. Therefore, it affects your heartbeat, energy level, digestion, body temperature, and even how you think and feel and it has huge effects on how our body works, it is important to have the right amount of thyroid hormones in the body.
Levels Of Thyroid Hormones In Our Body
The brain helps to keep levels in check by leveling the measures of thyroid hormones in the blood. If levels are low the GLANDPITUITARY releases thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH to stimulate the thyroid gland to release more thyroid hormones, if thyroid levels are too high then less TSH is released by the brain.
Types of Thyroid Disorder
There are two types of thyroid disorder
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
1- Hypothyroidism
An underactive thyroid gland can lead to too little thyroid hormone being made which is called hypothyroidism. Hypo means too little. Hypothyroidism can affect babies’ and children’s development if it is not treated properly.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
- Slow body metabolism
- Tiredness
- Weight gain
- Feeling cold
- Constipation
- Dry or thinning hair
- Muscles weakness
- Body aches
- A hoarse voice
- Pins and needles in the hands
- Low mood/ anxiety
- Memory problems
How to Treat Hypothyroidism with Diet
People with hypothyroidism can control their hormone levels by eating fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Probiotic supplements may help. They should use zinc-based supplements. Doctors suggest thyroxin tablets to the patients.
2- Hyperthyroidism
The overactive thyroid gland produces a high level of thyroid hormones which is called Hyperthyroidism. Hyper means too much. In hyperthyroidism, metabolism becomes very high. An uncontrolled thyroid can also lead the problem with fertility, pregnancy, and long-term heart problem.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
- Raising heartbeat
- Loss of weight
- Feeling sweaty and shaky
- Feelings uncomfortably hot
- Diarrhea
- Thirst
- Itchiness
- Mood swings
- Feeling anxious irritable
- Concentration problems and restlessness
Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
It is suggested to take vitamin D, it helps regulate calcium for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. Use non-iodized salt, egg whites, olive oil, oats, fish, and lean meat. Antithyroid medication is the most widely used treatment.
How to Diagnose the Disease?
If you have any of these common signs which are written up so, don’t waste the time and make an appointment with the doctor otherwise if u don’t feel any, Doctors suggest a thyroid profile blood test to check the level of TSH, T3, and T4. Your doctor may refer you to an ENDOCRINOLOGIST, Who specializes in treating hormone problems.